Water is a subject that inspires many artists. Photographers play with the reflections created by bodies of water in the heart of nature. Landscape photography then takes on a new face. The aquatic expanse then plays the role of a mirror, which creates a natural axis of symmetry between the captured setting and its reflection. The immortalized image offers the observer a duality of points of view.

Our gaze is on both parts of the image, as if to play the game of seven mistakes. The first look is on the entire image. Then we observe the landscape as a whole and finally its reflection. A mountain range, a forest, a canoe trip on a lake, all these subjects make these photographs unique. The photographers imagine real paintings that are perfectly composed by chance in nature.

In its premium collection, Adobe Stock offers captivating photographs where our eyes are lost and discover the landscapes on which the window is open to us.


Photo by jheuckeroth

Photo by Colby Brown

Photo by designpicspremium


Photo by Hofschulz & Schoppa

Photo by View Stock

Photo by Young Kim/Stocksy

Photo by Edward Fury/Stocksy

Photo by The Good Brigade