Justin Dingwall is a South African photographer creating unusual images with as main goal to resonate with emotion. The contemporary artist recently collaborated with Moostapha Saidi, a South African model, for a new photo series called  “A Seat at the Table”.

The old saying “a seat at the table” inspired the artist to create a series about appearances, the opportunity to be heard but also to highlight beauty in difference. «  The images that I have created with Moostapha aim to start conversations about preconceived ideas and perceptions based on appearance and how what we see affects what we think. »

To spread his message, the photographer combined the skin condition of the model with everyday objects and situations, the result is stunning. «  I like to reinterpret these objects by slightly altering their appearance and presenting them in new ways to the viewer. What I have found very interesting is how people react to these everyday objects once they have been altered and used with in the imagery. »