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Creativity Finder

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168 articles


Mario Snowpark

Here is an original concept with this snowpark which turned into a setting inspired by the world...


Disiz – Extra Lucide

Exclusively on Fubiz’s new video Disiz for his return and his upcoming single “Extra Lucid” from...


Yacht Week

Discovery of this video directed by and produced by Fredrik Hvas cuepoint Studios for Yacht...


The Epic & The Beasts

Here is the new film directed and edited by the German Linda Sebastian with the RED Epic. A...


Hand Cut Paper Art

Focus on the work of Australian artist Lisa Rodden, specializes in works made ​​of paper and...


TED – The Power of X

Creation and a superb human arabesque by director Körner Union and the agency We are Pi to open...


Justice – New Lands

Introducing the new French duo Justice clip for their single “New Lands”. A mix between football...


Minimalist Staircase

Here’s a good use with the minimalist layout of the stairs. It was designed in the wall of this...

User Featured

Fruit Figures

Here is this great print campaign conducted by the agency Scholz & Friends for fresh organic...