Colourful and surprising, the mountains painted in acrylic by the Vancouver-based artist immortalize the beauty of the environment that surrounds us from a creative and playful perspective. «By using a bold colour palette and the combination of hard and soft lines, I am able to accentuate the forms that make up the landscape», says Elyse Dodge.

The painter defines the summits of the world in colours, forms, lights and shadows. «The process of discovering, deconstructing and reconstructing landscapes into minimal works of art has become my obsession. Through this journey, I have realized that even when you break down nature into it’s most basic form and colour, it remains beautiful.»

The contrast between the sharp and geometrical lines of the peaks and the rounded organic strokes of the trees add poetry to these sceneries and return to the mountain all its majesty. «These surreal scenes encourage the mind to imagine what an alternate and more vivid world could look like», she ends.

Follow her work and projects on Instagram.