Anne Ten Donkelaar is a Dutch artist but also a kind of magician in her way. When she is outside, she finds unique discoveries such as a damaged butterfly, a broken twig, a bumblebee, or some strangely grown weeds as she lists on her website. Ten Donkelaar then brings them home, in her studio. “There, I take my time to explore the objects and try to work out how I can show each one to its best advantage. My finds inspire me. While looking at them I can invent my own stories about their existence and their lives. By protecting these precious pieces under glass, I give the objects a second life and hope to inspire people to make up their own stories”, she explains. We can acknowledge this process in her ethereal series “Underwater ballet”, in which flowers have been submerged in a very delicate and poetical way. Each piece has its universe and is an invitation to imagination.

More to discover on her website or her Instagram account.