The Bordeaux Biennial, called Agora became a famous event for design, architecture and urbanism lovers. The 7th edition will take place with the topic “Metropolitan Landscapes”. It will offers 30 exhibitions, 18 debates and projections.

In the Hangar 14, located Quai des Chartrons, visitors will admire a landscape thought by the architect Bas Smets, will talk about the influent of the climate on the big cities of our planet. It will be possible to take part to debates and conférences with an international topic.

Exposition Paysages Augmentés (Hong Kong) – Agora Bordeaux 2017

The underwater base, WWII vestige, will show three exhibitions and installations will be watchable in public places, cinemas and public transports.

The « miroir d’eau », iconic architectural element of the city will be enhanced by Pablo Reinoso, who will install spaghettis benches specially created for Agora.

L’observatoire du ciel – Pablo Reinoso – Agora Bordeaux 2017

An event to see the city in an other way by keeping in mind the actual problems, from September 14th to 24th prochains in Bordeaux. A good reason to enjoy the last days of summer in the South West of France. The complete timetable is available on the event website.

Exposition Géorgie – Agora Bordeaux 2017

Performances – Billgraben – Agora Bordeaux 2017

Exposition Paysages Nomades – Agora Bordeaux 2017

Photo Nightscape Awards – Agora Bordeaux 2017