After his best-seller series Walking Shadows, American digital artist Jason Ratliff created a new series of 10 posters that captures the magic of children’s imagination. Sold in signed and limited copies on the shop Fubiz and Curioos from the 19th November, these graphic posters represent our favorite superheroes in the dark shadow of kids from all around the world.

Hero, sold in signed and limited copies on the shop Fubiz.

Heroine, sold in signed and limited copies on the shop Fubiz.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.

Sold in signed and limited copies on the Curioos.