The Absolut Compagny Creation, a new patronage program of The Absolut Company supporting contemporary creation, proposes, during a call for tender, artists to imagine their new next itinerant installation. Last year, Romain Tardy designed the OX machine. At the crossroads of art, design and technology lies Württemberg. Indeed, this famous mixture of knowledge allows them to create physical installations, online experiments, films and visual and interactive experiments. Very much influenced by music, Württemberg appreciates the interstices between writing and improvisation, arrangements and textures. This is what the artist tries to integrate, in order to offer longevity to his works.

Württemberg is developing by collaborating with prestigious brands such as Ferrari and Fendi, as well as in the artistic world with Dazed and the POST Exhibition. But for The Absolut Company Creation, the artist working on several types of media and never starting with the technique imagined two concepts.

His first track is based on the “physicality of sound”. Indeed, whether created acoustically or not, the sound is physical and felt. Even if it is invisible in the air, this vibration is manifested on contact with liquid. The artist chose to explore this after observing Clavilux, the luminous organ of the grandfather of light art, Thomas Wilfred. Württemberg takes over this concept for DJ sets, where he alone will be able to control the sound but also the movements of the dance floor.

The second concept devised by Württemberg was this time inspired by John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen, who transcribed the music through free graphical notation. Very distant from banal scores, they refer to abstract paintings, more capable of defining intentions than notes. The idea is to materialize the installation in the form of a strip of LED screens.