” … creativity in sciene, as in the arts cannot be organized. It arises spontaneously from individual talent.

Well – run laboratories can foster it, but hierarchical organization, inflexible, bureaucratic rules, and mountains of futile paperwork can kill it.

Discoveries cannot be planed; they pop up … in unexpected corner. ” (Max F. Perutz, I Wish I´d Made You Angry Earlier, 1998)

I have to confess that we were simply amazed by this quotation of Max F. Perutz. Not only because it appeared very unusual to us – coming from a “Scientist” , but rather for its overlapping application. There is a lot in his idea of a perfect space that can be transfered into many other fields. In a way, our collective is based on a similar “concept” – so we were really happy to transform the LWZ into a little LAB for the last weeks to realise this video for the Max F. Perutz International PHD Program. Comissioned by Bauer Konzept & Gestaltung, it was again a splendid collaborative process.

Thanks to Erwin, Tobi, Alwin, Kyo, Gabs, Rold and Jascha!

Oh and don´t forget … Apply Now!


http://www.wearelwz.com http://www.mfpl.ac.at/phd-program/ http://www.erwinbauer.com/