Le concours ZSL est organisé chaque année (depuis 4 ans) par la Zoological Society de Londres. Cette compétition réunit de très beaux portraits d’animaux sauvages conservés par ce zoo. Parmi les jurés, on trouvait la ZSL Honorary Conservation Fellow, l’ornithologue Bill Oddie et l’animatrice TV Kate Humble. Jusqu’au 28 février 2016, découvrez les gagnants de cette compétition annuelle exposés à l’entrée du zoo. Un aperçu de ce qui vous attend est à voir dans la suite.

The Strongest Bond by Tom Way. The Perfect Moment category; Adult runner up. Photo by Tom Way/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Anoura Geoffroy’s tailless bat by Nicolas Reusens. The Perfect Moment category; Adult runner up. Photo by Nicolas Reusens/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Sleeping Beauty by Tianha Williams. Last Chance to See category; Runner up. Photo by Tianha Williams/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Bright Eyes by Carolyn Collins. Weird and Wonderful category; Adult winner. Photo by Carolyn Collins/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Parenthood by Alex Wendelken. Size Matters category; Junior winner. Photo by Alex Wendelken/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Orange-tipped Butterfly by Samuel Bayliss. The Birds and the Bees category; Adult runner up. Photo by Samuel Bayliss/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

In the Deep by Regain English. Deep and Meaningful category; Junior runner up. Photo by Regain English/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.

Turtle Portrait by Michael Gallagher. Deep and Meaningful category; Adult runner up. Photo by Michael Gallagher/ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015.