The work of Scottish photographer Ivar Wigan  is often compared to that of the great name in photography Nan Goldin. Indeed, his images also open up, hyper-realistic stories to imagine…

When did photography come into your life?

When I was 10 years old, I was offered a Polaroid and I still use it today. All the time.

How would you describe your photographic aesthetics?
It is not “pretty”. I don’t like what’s perfect. The photos I want to produce mean more than what they show. I like images that open stories in people’s minds. My second photography series “Young Love” is a collection of cinematographic images. I’m writing a script to make a film for this series.

How would you describe your photographic aesthetics?
She is not “pretty”. I don’t like what’s perfect. The photos I want to produce mean more than what they show. I like images that open stories in people’s minds. My second photography series “Young Love” is a collection of cinematographic images. I’m writing a script to make a film for this series.


How do you manage to get the most out of your models?

Before I work with people, I spend time with them first. There must be between us, this same desire to create with several hands. I like to photograph creative people who have a unique point of view. The subjects create the images. Therefore, I just choose the subjects.

How do you cultivate your ideas?
I am inspired by the faces and landscapes that I see. Then I like to collect them and photograph them to tell a story.