Miles Johnson is a British artist who seems to know how to grasp the essence of the subjects he paints. Several stages and questions punctuate his creative process: « What was the last intense emotional experience I had? What was the last conversation that I couldn’t help but be captured by? […]  I try to take in an interesting information diet and make sure I’m always learning. », says he. The artist likes to think that his work is an attempt to illustrate the abstract way in which we feel our emotions in a physical way.

For him: « When we feel our stomach drop and tie in a knot with fear, or our faces burning with anger, these sensations are already metaphorical feeling states for complex biochemical realities in the body. I think the pictures can emotionally resonate because I am trying my best to tap into a symbolic language already present in our minds ». His work offers, to whoever contemplates it, a dive into the heart of the being and the sensitive.